Follow a skin-care routine that includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Cleansing gets rid of the dirt, dead cells, oil; toning handles the pore issues and moisturizing is extremely important for the skin texture.

Wash your face with lukewarm water it dissolves oil more effectively than cold water.

Stay away from junk and sugary food.

Limit your sun exposure. It?s hard to stay out of the sun every day, but exposure to the sun darkens your skin. So use sunscreen with the SPF higher than 30 and which covers wide UV spectrum.

Use the regimen which contains Kojic acid and Vitamin-C as they are truly helpful in skin lightening treatment. Use the cream and lotion which contains Arbutin and Glubradin that has skin whitening ability. Basically these creams slow down melanin production and reduce the existing melanin from the skin as well.

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Cleans your face twice a day and exfoliation twice a week is preferable. If your skin gets too oily between two wash, then use medicated pad or tissue to remove excess oil.

Eat at least one fruit daily. Include green leafy vegetables in your daily diet to regulate the oil that your skin produces.

Aloe Vera helps to reduce hyperpigmentation and creates a bright smooth skin complexion